Wednesday, December 12, 2018



Cheque Present Date

Cheque No.

Sort Code

Return Reason

Return By

Post Office

Other Comment
Instrument (Cheque) is Attached with this memo.

                                                                                               Assistant Post Master / Head Post Master

01           Funds insufficient
02           Exceeds arrangement
03           Effects not cleared, present again.
04           Refer to drawer
05           Kindly contact Drawer/Drawee Bank and please present again.
04           Refer to drawer
05           Kindly contact Drawer/Drawee Bank and please present again.
10           Drawer's signature incomplete
11           Drawer's signature illegible
12           Drawer's signature differs
13           Drawer's signature required
14           Drawer's signature not as per mandate
15           Drawer's signature to operate account not received
16           Drawer's authority to operate account not received
17           Alteration requires drawer's authentication
20           Payment stopped by drawer
21           Payment stopped by attachment order
22           Payment stopped by court order
23           Withdrawal stopped owing to death of account holder
24           Withdrawal stopped owing to lunacy of account holder
25           Withdrawal stopped owing to insolvency of account holder
30           Instrument post dated
31           Instrument out dated/stale
32           Instrument undated/ without proper date
33           Instrument mutilated; requires Bank's guarantee
34           Cheque irregularly drawn/ amount in words and figures differs
35           Clearing House stamp/ date required
36           Wrongly delivered/ Not drawn on us
37           Present in proper zone
38           Instrument contains extraneous matter
40           Present with document
41           Item listed twice
50           Account closed
51           Account transferred to another branch
52           No such account
53           Title of account required
54           Title of account wrong/ incomplete
60           Crossed to two banks
61           Crossing stamp not cancelled
62           Clearing stamp not cancelled
63           Instrument specially crossed to another bank
64           Amount in protective crossing incorrect
65           Amount in protective crossing required/illegible
66           Payee's endorsement required
67           Payee's endorsement irregular / requires collecting bank's confirmation
68           Endorsement by mark/ thumb impression requires attestation by Magistrate with seal
70           Advice not received
71           Amount / Name differs on advice
72           Drawee bank's fund with sponsor bank insufficient
73           Payee's separate discharge to bank required
75           Pay order/ cheque requires counter signature
76           Required information not legible/ correct
80           Bank's certificate ambiguous/ incomplete/ required
81           Draft lost by issuing office/ confirmation required from issuing office
83           Digital Certificate Validation failure
84           Other reasons-connectivity failure
85           Alterations on instrument- Other than "Date" field (Alteration/correction on instruments are prohibited under Cheque Truncation System. Return reason code applicable to instruments presented in CTS)
86           Fake/Forged/Stolen-draft/cheque/cash order/interest warrant/dividend warrant
87           ‘Payee's a/c credited'- Stamp required
88           Other reasons (Please specify)
92           Bank Excluded

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2. Link for PDF file -
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Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome Song in Sanskrit language

The song was published in Sanskritvartmaanpatram A Daily News Paper in Sanskrit language from Vadodara, Gujarat on 1st January 2018
Copy rights reserved to Composer of the song Dr. Naresh Kumar and publisher Dr. Praful Purohit